Our Story

We are a family owned business that officially started selling in 2024. The original game idea came from my dad on a family beach trip Memorial Day weekend 2023. While playing the game, we had dozens of bystanders ask questions about the game. This sparked an idea to perfect the equipment and sell an official version of the game. 

The journey began to come up with a name, logo, setup an LLC, and build a brand and website. The majority of the hard labor, however, was spent working with a plethora of engineers and suppliers to design the net, pole, and ball we sell today. 

My family and I live a mile from a UPS store and typically walk with our son to ship orders. He is always happy to help out and loves getting a pack of stickers from the UPS employees we've become friends with over time. 

The inventory is currently sitting in our house in an upstairs bedroom that is virtually unusable until we sell more units :) Each time an order is placed, we package the order ourselves and set out for the UPS store to ship it as soon as possible. We try to offer shipping discounts and reimbursements if we are unable to ship a product within a day of the order being placed (typically due to us being out of town).

Thank you so much for your support. We are so excited to see people enjoying the game and appreciate all the posts on social media! 


-SkypBall team (Colin, Alyssa, Luke, and Mike)